Radio Matters. In today’s world of time-starved consumers, radio is an important component of any media mix designed to reach them.
This page summarizes many of the key points that buyers and sellers want to know about Radio. To obtain materials reinforcing each point, click on the underlined words to link to presentation materials.
Radio reaches everyone. Its high penetration of all consumer segments provides an exceptional vehicle to deliver ad messages – regardless of target gender, age, language or race. And listening is constant all year round.
Radio is the top reach medium – connecting with listeners every week.
Radio is tops among all audio listening options. While perception is that newer digital audio services outrank radio, the reality is very different even among Hispanics and African-Americans.
Radio complements other media to help drive messaging, brand preference and increase sales. Using radio in the media plan provides you with a smarter mix.
Radio is effective at driving store traffic and search. Radio can aid in driving search activity for local businesses across various categories, like automotive. It can also drive traffic to brick and mortar locations.
Radio increases brand awareness, drives traffic and increases sales. Radio does all this and more for brands.
Radio is theater of the mind. It lets listeners create an image in their minds and boost their happiness. Good radio creative keeps brands top of mind.
Radio gets out the vote. Numerous formats allow for narrow targeting to reach a candidate’s constituents or deliver issue-oriented messaging to interested parties.
Radio works. Radio live and local, connecting with listeners and driving conversation.
Radio matters. It’s part of the local community, connecting with listeners, driving results for advertisers. It’s the original social and mobile medium.